Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Fucking bums.

Last night, I was walking to my car after a night at my favorite club when a bum walked up to me and made his case for why I should give him whatever spare change I might have at the time. As I always do, I dismissed him and continued walking at an angle slightly altered from before. Usually, this tactic will peel the transient off in search of his next target. Tonight, however, I had a particularly well formed piece of eye candy hanging from my arm, which led the homeless bastard to believe that a 'level 2' approach would turn this attempt around.

He eyed my new girl treasure for a quick read to see if she might become a foot soldier on his quest for a fraction of a dollar. Not surprisingly, whatever look she had on her face gave him new hope. In stead of moving on, he quickly repositioned himself back in front of me and between me and my car. This was a tactical error but he didn't yet know it.

He returned with "Come on, man. I know - " but before he could finish his sentence, I unholstered my chrome-bodied Magnum .357 with my left hand and fired two rounds into the sky behind him, just a foot over his head. The man who was begging for spare change a foot and a half in front of me just a split second earlier had vanished like a rat when the lights come on.

The sound of the discharge bounced around between the buildings, crackling upon its return to me. The girl, still attached to my right arm, now glowing with a look of secondary power, gazed at my eyes to see if she could forecast the next wild event that might happen.

This girl wasn't wearing her sunday dress shoes with jeans and a low cut shirt, attempting to look more sultry than she was capable of truly being. I doubt this girl even had sunday shoes. This evening's prize was scantily covered in a sample size skirt that left even the hardest of sight wondering if her panties were going to be making an appearance. She had 'fuck me' pumps on that appeared to be removed from the last street walker she may or may not have killed.

To be continued....


Take a picture.

It always lasts longer...


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